Module pandare.qcows_internal
Module for fetching generic PANDA images and managing their metadata.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Module for fetching generic PANDA images and managing their metadata.
import logging
import random
import hashlib
import json
from os import path, remove, makedirs
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
from collections import namedtuple
from shlex import split as shlex_split
from sys import exit, stderr
from shutil import move
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VM_DIR = path.join(path.expanduser("~"), ".panda")
class Image(namedtuple('Image', ['arch', 'os', 'prompt', 'cdrom', 'snapshot', 'url', 'alternate_urls', 'extra_files', 'qcow', 'default_mem', 'extra_args', 'hashes'])):
The Image class stores information about a supported PANDA image
arch (str): Arch for the given architecture.
os (str): an os string we can pass to panda with -os
prompt (regex): a regex to detect a bash prompt after loading the snapshot and sending commands
cdrom (str): name to use for cd-drive when inserting an ISO via monitor
qcow (str): optional name to save qcow as
url (str): url to download the qcow (e.g. https://
default_mem (str): memory to use for the root snapshot (e.g. 1G)
extra_files (list): other files (assumed to be in same directory on server) that we also need
extra_args (list): Extra arguments to pass to PANDA (e.g. ['-display', 'none'])
hashes (dict, optional): Mapping between qcow filenames and SHA1hashes they should match upon download
Image.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(Image._fields)
json_path = path.join(*[path.dirname(__file__), "qcows.json"])
with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
images = json.load(f)
(k, Image(**v)) for k, v in images.items()
Dictionary of `Image` objects by name.
Generic values (underlying OS version may change) include:
You may also specify an exact arch/OS combination from the following exist:
aarch64 _focal
""" # TODO: autogenerate values here
home_dir = path.expanduser('~')
for image in SUPPORTED_IMAGES:
extra_args=SUPPORTED_IMAGES[image].extra_args.replace('~', home_dir)
class Qcows():
Helper library for managing qcows on your filesystem.
Given an architecture, it can download a qcow from `` to `~/.panda/` and then use that.
Alternatively, if a path to a qcow is provided, it can just use that.
A qcow loaded by architecture can then be queried to get the name of the root snapshot or prompt.
def get_qcow_info(name=None):
Get information about supported image as specified by name.
name (str): String idenfifying a qcow supported
Image: Instance of the Image class for a qcow
if name is None:
logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386")
name = "i386"
if path.isfile(name):
raise RuntimeError("TODO: can't automatically determine system info from custom qcows. Use one of: {}".format(", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys())))
name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_arches keys are lowercase
if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys():
raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys())))
# Move properties in .arch to being in the main object
return r
def get_qcow(name=None, download=True, _is_tty=True):
Given a generic name of a qcow in `pandare.qcows.SUPPORTED_IMAGES` or a path to a qcow, return the path. Defaults to i386
name (str): generic name or path to qcow
download (bool, default True): should the qcow be downloaded if necessary
string: Path to qcow
ValueError: if download is set to False and the qcow is not present
RuntimeError: if the architecture is unsupported or the necessary files could not be downloaded
if name is None:
logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386")
name = "i386"
if path.isfile(name):
logger.debug("Provided qcow name appears to be a path, returning it directly: %s", name)
return name
name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_images keys are lowercase
if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys():
raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys())))
image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[name]
qc = image_data.qcow
if not qc: # Default, get name from url
qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1]
qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR,qc)
makedirs(VM_DIR, exist_ok=True)
# We need to downlaod if the QCOW or any extra files are missing
# If the files are present on disk, assume they're okay
needs_download = not path.isfile(qcow_path)
if not needs_download:
for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []:
extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file)
if not path.isfile(extra_file_path):
needs_download = True
if needs_download and download:
Qcows.download_qcow(image_data, qcow_path, _is_tty=_is_tty)
elif needs_download:
raise ValueError("Qcow is not on disk and download option is disabled")
return qcow_path
def get_file(urls, output_path, sha1hash=None, do_retry=True, _is_tty=True):
assert len(urls) > 0
url = random.choice([x for x in urls if x is not None])
if _is_tty:
print(f"Downloading required file: {url}")
cmd = ["wget", '--show-progress', '--quiet', url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"]
print(f"Please wait for download of required file: {url}", file=stderr)
cmd = ["wget", "--quiet", url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"]
with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
print(line, end='')
if p.returncode != 0:
raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args)
# Check hash if we have one
if sha1hash is not None:
if _is_tty:
print(f"Validating file hash")
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
with open(output_path+".tmp", 'rb') as f:
while True:
data = #64kb chunks
if not data:
computed_hash = sha1.hexdigest()
if computed_hash != sha1hash:
raise ValueError(f"{url} has hash {computed_hash} vs expected hash {sha1hash}")
# Hash matches, move .tmp file to actual path
move(output_path+".tmp", output_path)
# No hash, move .tmp file to actual path
move(output_path+".tmp", output_path)
except Exception as e:"Download failed, deleting partial file: %s", output_path)
if do_retry:
if _is_tty and do_retry:
print("Hash mismatch - retrying")
Qcows.get_file([url], output_path, sha1hash, do_retry=False, _is_tty=_is_tty)
# Not retrying again, fatal - leave any partial files though
raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to download expeted file from {url} even after retrying: {e}") from None
logger.debug("Downloaded %s to %s", url, output_path)
def download_qcow(image_data, output_path, _is_retry=False, _is_tty=True):
Download the qcow described in the Image object in image_data
Store to the output output_path.
If the Image includes SHA1 hashes, validate the file was downloaded correctly, otherwise retry once
# Check if we have a hash for the base qcow. Then download and vlidate with that hash
qcow_base = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] if '/' in image_data.url else image_data.url
base_hash = None
if image_data.hashes is not None and qcow_base in image_data.hashes:
base_hash = image_data.hashes[qcow_base]
Qcows.get_file([image_data.url] + (image_data.alternate_urls if image_data.alternate_urls is not None else []), output_path, base_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty)
# Download all extra files out of the same directory
url_base = image_data.url[:image_data.url.rfind("/")] + "/" # Truncate url to last /
for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []:
extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file)
extra_hash = None
if image_data.hashes is not None and extra_file in image_data.hashes:
extra_hash = image_data.hashes[extra_file]
Qcows.get_file([url_base + extra_file], extra_file_path, extra_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty) # TODO: support alternate URL here too? Won't work for some hosting options
def qcow_from_arg(idx=1):
Given an index into argv, call get_qcow with that arg if it exists, else with None
idx (int): an index into argv
string: Path to qcow
from sys import argv
if len(argv) > idx:
return Qcows.get_qcow(argv[idx])
return Qcows.get_qcow()
def remove_image(target):
qcow = Qcows.get_qcow(target, download=False)
except ValueError:
# No QCOW, we're good!
image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[target]
except ValueError:
# Not a valid image? I guess we're good
qc = image_data.qcow
if not qc: # Default, get name from url
qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1]
qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR, qc)
for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []:
extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file)
if path.isfile(extra_file_path):
Global variables
Dictionary of
objects by name. Generic values (underlying OS version may change) include: x86_64 i386 ppc arm aarch64 mips mipsel mips64You may also specify an exact arch/OS combination from the following exist: x86_64_ubuntu_1804 i386_ubuntu_1604 ppc_wheezy arm_wheezy aarch64 _focal mips_wheezy mips_buildroot5 mipsel_wheezy mipsel_buildroot5 mips64
class Image (arch=None, os=None, prompt=None, cdrom=None, snapshot=None, url=None, alternate_urls=None, extra_files=None, qcow=None, default_mem=None, extra_args=None, hashes=None)
The Image class stores information about a supported PANDA image
- Arch for the given architecture.
- an os string we can pass to panda with -os
- a regex to detect a bash prompt after loading the snapshot and sending commands
- name to use for cd-drive when inserting an ISO via monitor
- optional name to save qcow as
- url to download the qcow (e.g. https://
- memory to use for the root snapshot (e.g. 1G)
- other files (assumed to be in same directory on server) that we also need
- Extra arguments to pass to PANDA (e.g. ['-display', 'none'])
, optional- Mapping between qcow filenames and SHA1hashes they should match upon download
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class Image(namedtuple('Image', ['arch', 'os', 'prompt', 'cdrom', 'snapshot', 'url', 'alternate_urls', 'extra_files', 'qcow', 'default_mem', 'extra_args', 'hashes'])): ''' The Image class stores information about a supported PANDA image Args: arch (str): Arch for the given architecture. os (str): an os string we can pass to panda with -os prompt (regex): a regex to detect a bash prompt after loading the snapshot and sending commands cdrom (str): name to use for cd-drive when inserting an ISO via monitor qcow (str): optional name to save qcow as url (str): url to download the qcow (e.g. https:// default_mem (str): memory to use for the root snapshot (e.g. 1G) extra_files (list): other files (assumed to be in same directory on server) that we also need extra_args (list): Extra arguments to pass to PANDA (e.g. ['-display', 'none']) hashes (dict, optional): Mapping between qcow filenames and SHA1hashes they should match upon download '''
- builtins.tuple
class Qcows
Helper library for managing qcows on your filesystem. Given an architecture, it can download a qcow from
and then use that. Alternatively, if a path to a qcow is provided, it can just use that. A qcow loaded by architecture can then be queried to get the name of the root snapshot or prompt.Expand source code
class Qcows(): ''' Helper library for managing qcows on your filesystem. Given an architecture, it can download a qcow from `` to `~/.panda/` and then use that. Alternatively, if a path to a qcow is provided, it can just use that. A qcow loaded by architecture can then be queried to get the name of the root snapshot or prompt. ''' @staticmethod def get_qcow_info(name=None): ''' Get information about supported image as specified by name. Args: name (str): String idenfifying a qcow supported Returns: Image: Instance of the Image class for a qcow ''' if name is None: logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386") name = "i386" if path.isfile(name): raise RuntimeError("TODO: can't automatically determine system info from custom qcows. Use one of: {}".format(", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_arches keys are lowercase if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys(): raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) r = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[name] # Move properties in .arch to being in the main object return r @staticmethod def get_qcow(name=None, download=True, _is_tty=True): ''' Given a generic name of a qcow in `pandare.qcows.SUPPORTED_IMAGES` or a path to a qcow, return the path. Defaults to i386 Args: name (str): generic name or path to qcow download (bool, default True): should the qcow be downloaded if necessary Returns: string: Path to qcow Raises: ValueError: if download is set to False and the qcow is not present RuntimeError: if the architecture is unsupported or the necessary files could not be downloaded ''' if name is None: logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386") name = "i386" if path.isfile(name): logger.debug("Provided qcow name appears to be a path, returning it directly: %s", name) return name name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_images keys are lowercase if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys(): raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[name] qc = image_data.qcow if not qc: # Default, get name from url qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR,qc) makedirs(VM_DIR, exist_ok=True) # We need to downlaod if the QCOW or any extra files are missing # If the files are present on disk, assume they're okay needs_download = not path.isfile(qcow_path) if not needs_download: for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) if not path.isfile(extra_file_path): needs_download = True break if needs_download and download: Qcows.download_qcow(image_data, qcow_path, _is_tty=_is_tty) elif needs_download: raise ValueError("Qcow is not on disk and download option is disabled") return qcow_path @staticmethod def get_file(urls, output_path, sha1hash=None, do_retry=True, _is_tty=True): assert len(urls) > 0 url = random.choice([x for x in urls if x is not None]) if _is_tty: print(f"Downloading required file: {url}") cmd = ["wget", '--show-progress', '--quiet', url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"] else: print(f"Please wait for download of required file: {url}", file=stderr) cmd = ["wget", "--quiet", url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"] try: with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p: for line in p.stdout: print(line, end='') if p.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args) # Check hash if we have one if sha1hash is not None: if _is_tty: print(f"Validating file hash") sha1 = hashlib.sha1() with open(output_path+".tmp", 'rb') as f: while True: data = #64kb chunks if not data: break sha1.update(data) computed_hash = sha1.hexdigest() if computed_hash != sha1hash: raise ValueError(f"{url} has hash {computed_hash} vs expected hash {sha1hash}") # Hash matches, move .tmp file to actual path move(output_path+".tmp", output_path) else: # No hash, move .tmp file to actual path move(output_path+".tmp", output_path) except Exception as e:"Download failed, deleting partial file: %s", output_path) remove(output_path+".tmp") if do_retry: if _is_tty and do_retry: print("Hash mismatch - retrying") Qcows.get_file([url], output_path, sha1hash, do_retry=False, _is_tty=_is_tty) else: # Not retrying again, fatal - leave any partial files though raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to download expeted file from {url} even after retrying: {e}") from None logger.debug("Downloaded %s to %s", url, output_path) @staticmethod def download_qcow(image_data, output_path, _is_retry=False, _is_tty=True): ''' Download the qcow described in the Image object in image_data Store to the output output_path. If the Image includes SHA1 hashes, validate the file was downloaded correctly, otherwise retry once ''' # Check if we have a hash for the base qcow. Then download and vlidate with that hash qcow_base = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] if '/' in image_data.url else image_data.url base_hash = None if image_data.hashes is not None and qcow_base in image_data.hashes: base_hash = image_data.hashes[qcow_base] Qcows.get_file([image_data.url] + (image_data.alternate_urls if image_data.alternate_urls is not None else []), output_path, base_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty) # Download all extra files out of the same directory url_base = image_data.url[:image_data.url.rfind("/")] + "/" # Truncate url to last / for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) extra_hash = None if image_data.hashes is not None and extra_file in image_data.hashes: extra_hash = image_data.hashes[extra_file] Qcows.get_file([url_base + extra_file], extra_file_path, extra_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty) # TODO: support alternate URL here too? Won't work for some hosting options @staticmethod def qcow_from_arg(idx=1): ''' Given an index into argv, call get_qcow with that arg if it exists, else with None Args: idx (int): an index into argv Returns: string: Path to qcow ''' from sys import argv if len(argv) > idx: return Qcows.get_qcow(argv[idx]) else: return Qcows.get_qcow() @staticmethod def remove_image(target): try: qcow = Qcows.get_qcow(target, download=False) except ValueError: # No QCOW, we're good! return try: image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[target] except ValueError: # Not a valid image? I guess we're good return qc = image_data.qcow if not qc: # Default, get name from url qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR, qc) remove(qcow_path) for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) if path.isfile(extra_file_path): remove(extra_file_path)
Static methods
def download_qcow(image_data, output_path)
Download the qcow described in the Image object in image_data Store to the output output_path. If the Image includes SHA1 hashes, validate the file was downloaded correctly, otherwise retry once
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@staticmethod def download_qcow(image_data, output_path, _is_retry=False, _is_tty=True): ''' Download the qcow described in the Image object in image_data Store to the output output_path. If the Image includes SHA1 hashes, validate the file was downloaded correctly, otherwise retry once ''' # Check if we have a hash for the base qcow. Then download and vlidate with that hash qcow_base = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] if '/' in image_data.url else image_data.url base_hash = None if image_data.hashes is not None and qcow_base in image_data.hashes: base_hash = image_data.hashes[qcow_base] Qcows.get_file([image_data.url] + (image_data.alternate_urls if image_data.alternate_urls is not None else []), output_path, base_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty) # Download all extra files out of the same directory url_base = image_data.url[:image_data.url.rfind("/")] + "/" # Truncate url to last / for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) extra_hash = None if image_data.hashes is not None and extra_file in image_data.hashes: extra_hash = image_data.hashes[extra_file] Qcows.get_file([url_base + extra_file], extra_file_path, extra_hash, _is_tty=_is_tty) # TODO: support alternate URL here too? Won't work for some hosting options
def get_file(urls, output_path, sha1hash=None, do_retry=True)
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@staticmethod def get_file(urls, output_path, sha1hash=None, do_retry=True, _is_tty=True): assert len(urls) > 0 url = random.choice([x for x in urls if x is not None]) if _is_tty: print(f"Downloading required file: {url}") cmd = ["wget", '--show-progress', '--quiet', url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"] else: print(f"Please wait for download of required file: {url}", file=stderr) cmd = ["wget", "--quiet", url, "-O", output_path+".tmp"] try: with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p: for line in p.stdout: print(line, end='') if p.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, p.args) # Check hash if we have one if sha1hash is not None: if _is_tty: print(f"Validating file hash") sha1 = hashlib.sha1() with open(output_path+".tmp", 'rb') as f: while True: data = #64kb chunks if not data: break sha1.update(data) computed_hash = sha1.hexdigest() if computed_hash != sha1hash: raise ValueError(f"{url} has hash {computed_hash} vs expected hash {sha1hash}") # Hash matches, move .tmp file to actual path move(output_path+".tmp", output_path) else: # No hash, move .tmp file to actual path move(output_path+".tmp", output_path) except Exception as e:"Download failed, deleting partial file: %s", output_path) remove(output_path+".tmp") if do_retry: if _is_tty and do_retry: print("Hash mismatch - retrying") Qcows.get_file([url], output_path, sha1hash, do_retry=False, _is_tty=_is_tty) else: # Not retrying again, fatal - leave any partial files though raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to download expeted file from {url} even after retrying: {e}") from None logger.debug("Downloaded %s to %s", url, output_path)
def get_qcow(name=None, download=True)
Given a generic name of a qcow in
or a path to a qcow, return the path. Defaults to i386Args
- generic name or path to qcow
, defaultTrue
- should the qcow be downloaded if necessary
- Path to qcow
- if download is set to False and the qcow is not present
- if the architecture is unsupported or the necessary files could not be downloaded
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@staticmethod def get_qcow(name=None, download=True, _is_tty=True): ''' Given a generic name of a qcow in `pandare.qcows.SUPPORTED_IMAGES` or a path to a qcow, return the path. Defaults to i386 Args: name (str): generic name or path to qcow download (bool, default True): should the qcow be downloaded if necessary Returns: string: Path to qcow Raises: ValueError: if download is set to False and the qcow is not present RuntimeError: if the architecture is unsupported or the necessary files could not be downloaded ''' if name is None: logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386") name = "i386" if path.isfile(name): logger.debug("Provided qcow name appears to be a path, returning it directly: %s", name) return name name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_images keys are lowercase if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys(): raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[name] qc = image_data.qcow if not qc: # Default, get name from url qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR,qc) makedirs(VM_DIR, exist_ok=True) # We need to downlaod if the QCOW or any extra files are missing # If the files are present on disk, assume they're okay needs_download = not path.isfile(qcow_path) if not needs_download: for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) if not path.isfile(extra_file_path): needs_download = True break if needs_download and download: Qcows.download_qcow(image_data, qcow_path, _is_tty=_is_tty) elif needs_download: raise ValueError("Qcow is not on disk and download option is disabled") return qcow_path
def get_qcow_info(name=None)
Get information about supported image as specified by name.
- String idenfifying a qcow supported
- Instance of the Image class for a qcow
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@staticmethod def get_qcow_info(name=None): ''' Get information about supported image as specified by name. Args: name (str): String idenfifying a qcow supported Returns: Image: Instance of the Image class for a qcow ''' if name is None: logger.warning("No qcow name provided. Defaulting to i386") name = "i386" if path.isfile(name): raise RuntimeError("TODO: can't automatically determine system info from custom qcows. Use one of: {}".format(", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) name = name.lower() # Case insensitive. Assumes supported_arches keys are lowercase if name not in SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys(): raise RuntimeError("Architecture {} is not in list of supported names: {}".format(name, ", ".join(SUPPORTED_IMAGES.keys()))) r = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[name] # Move properties in .arch to being in the main object return r
def qcow_from_arg(idx=1)
Given an index into argv, call get_qcow with that arg if it exists, else with None
- an index into argv
- Path to qcow
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@staticmethod def qcow_from_arg(idx=1): ''' Given an index into argv, call get_qcow with that arg if it exists, else with None Args: idx (int): an index into argv Returns: string: Path to qcow ''' from sys import argv if len(argv) > idx: return Qcows.get_qcow(argv[idx]) else: return Qcows.get_qcow()
def remove_image(target)
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@staticmethod def remove_image(target): try: qcow = Qcows.get_qcow(target, download=False) except ValueError: # No QCOW, we're good! return try: image_data = SUPPORTED_IMAGES[target] except ValueError: # Not a valid image? I guess we're good return qc = image_data.qcow if not qc: # Default, get name from url qc = image_data.url.split("/")[-1] qcow_path = path.join(VM_DIR, qc) remove(qcow_path) for extra_file in image_data.extra_files or []: extra_file_path = path.join(VM_DIR, extra_file) if path.isfile(extra_file_path): remove(extra_file_path)